This function detects metacells from a single-cell gene expression matrix using dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.
genes_use = NULL,
genes_exclude = NULL,
var_genes_num = min(1000, nrow(matrix)),
gamma = 10,
knn_k = 5,
do_scale = TRUE,
pc_num = 25,
fast_pca = FALSE,
do_approx = FALSE,
approx_num = 20000,
directed = FALSE,
use_nn2 = TRUE,
seed = 1,
cluster_method = "walktrap",
block_size = 10000,
weights = NULL,
do_median_norm = FALSE,
A gene expression matrix where rows represent genes and columns represent cells.
Default is NULL
A character vector specifying genes to be used for PCA dimensionality reduction.
Default is NULL
. A character vector specifying genes to be excluded
from PCA computation.
Default is min(1000, nrow(matrix))
. Number of most variable genes
to select when genes_use
is not provided.
Default is 10
. Coarse-graining parameter defining the target ratio of input
cells to output metacells (e.g., gamma=10 yields approximately n/10 metacells for n input cells).
Default is 5
. Number of nearest neighbors for constructing the cell-cell
similarity network.
Default is TRUE
. Whether to standardize (center and scale) gene expression
values before PCA.
Default is 25
. Number of principal components to retain for downstream analysis.
Default is TRUE
. Whether to use the faster irlba algorithm
instead of standard PCA. Recommended for large datasets.
Default is FALSE
. Whether to use approximate nearest neighbor search for
datasets with >50000 cells to improve computational efficiency.
Default is 20000
. Number of cells to randomly sample for approximate
nearest neighbor computation when do_approx = TRUE
Default is FALSE
. Whether to construct a directed or undirected nearest
neighbor graph.
Default is TRUE
. Whether to use the faster RANN::nn2 algorithm for nearest
neighbor search (only applicable with Euclidean distance).
Default is 1
. Random seed for reproducibility when subsampling cells in
approximate mode.
Default is walktrap
. Algorithm for community detection in the cell
similarity network. Options: walktrap
(recommended) or louvain
(gamma parameter ignored).
Default is 10000
. Number of cells to process in each batch when mapping
cells to metacells in approximate mode. Adjust based on available memory.
Default is NULL
. Numeric vector of cell-specific weights for weighted
averaging when computing metacell expression profiles. Length must match number of cells.
Default is FALSE
. Whether to perform median-based normalization of
the final metacell expression matrix.
Additional arguments passed to internal functions.
A matrix where rows represent metacells and columns represent genes.
meta_cells_matrix <- meta_cells(
#> ! number of PCs of PCA result is less than the desired number, using all PCs.
#> [1] 500 18
meta_cells_matrix[1:6, 1:6]
#> 6 x 6 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
#> g1 g10 g11 g12 g13 g14
#> [1,] 2.180972 0.01930300 0.01449894 0.01160265 0.02435281 0.01841153
#> [2,] 2.372229 2.10205419 1.80734123 0.15135284 0.01745755 0.02049155
#> [3,] 2.300118 2.08998564 2.09137782 2.14921081 2.04650528 1.98375086
#> [4,] 2.042536 2.10596609 2.17743746 2.08665213 1.95181949 2.08697567
#> [5,] 2.666293 0.01307076 0.02208754 0.02237016 0.03820944 0.01280634
#> [6,] 1.965666 0.02490150 0.02487194 0.02585257 0.01419496 0.02565518